
How To Defeat The First Night Effect

An ancient survival mechanism called “The First Night Effect” (FNE) is permanently wired into our brains, keeping half our brain alert and readily aroused when sleeping in new surroundings. This is why you have trouble sleeping in a new bed. There’s little to be done about the FNE mechanism. But there are things we can do to deepen our sleep and reduce external stimulus from rousing us, from eating right to timing your exercise. 

Be At The Top Of Your Game

For starters, pack your ‘happy light’ and switch it on when your alarm goes off. People who start their day with a cold shower, then force their body to warm up with exercise immediately after, sleep more deeply. So wherever you are, shift your circadian rhythm into high gear with that cold shower followed by a morning run. You’ll be seeing the sights on foot before your day has begun. 

What you eat can play a role in the quality of your sleep. Avoid any complex carbs or sugar before bedtime and end your day with a hot bath. The relaxation combined with warming up your body will shift your circadian rhythm into low gear, telling your brain it’s time to slow down and sleep.

Find What Works For You

There are several resources online which can help with sleep issues. From white noise to the right earplugs, reduce the external stimulus FNE may pick up on. Let nothing interrupt your night and keep you from the exotic destinations of your dreams.

Stabilizing your circadian rhythm is just as important as packing your melatonin. You’ll have more consistent sleep patterns, and the ability to fall asleep just about anywhere, thwarting FNE. That way, whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, you’ll be able to enjoy your trip, at the very least, when you’re deeply asleep.