Score The Apartment of Your Dreams

Cut To The Front Of The Line Without Losing A Dime

Cut To The Front Of The Line Without Losing A Dime

Moving is stressful. Your happy place gets upended into a maze of boxes. Where to start? We’ve heard it all before: Pack your kitchen first. Stock up on paper plates and disposable utensils. Live out of your suitcase. Box it all. Useful advice, albeit the easiest part of the move. 

Security First & Last

Your first concern is securing your future apartment. Saving up for first and last month’s rent makes getting your security deposit returned crucial. With the advice below, you could secure your next apartment, subvert the credit check, and get your money back. Here’s how!

Make friends with your property manager. Take every opportunity to say hello. They’re just trying to get through their day like everyone else. Go easy on them. Give them a heads up on any issues with your apartment, the building, or other tenants. Don’t tattle or gossip. Don’t be a sycophant either. Be the ideal tenant. Just scratch their back and be a pal. It’s less stressful for them than discovering problem areas on their own. This’ll help you get a referral when it’s time to move on.

Don’t Leave Your Money Behind

Do the right thing. Putty those nail holes. Scrub every nook and cranny. Clean the molding, windowsills, doors, and appliances. Polish everything you can and can’t see. Inside, under, and behind your fridge and oven. Leave no stone left unturned. Sure, it could take days to do by yourself, so start early. Recruit your friends and turn it into a party. Too much to handle? Maybe find an affordable cleaning person to do it for you. It’ll cost less than the bite it will take out of your deposit. 

Perhaps you’re considering leaving it for ‘them’ to deal with? That’s more work for your landlord and is an uncool move. Forget about getting that recommendation if you go that route. It’s a lot of work to inspect your place, hire cleaners, painters, etcetera.

You might think there’s no way you’re getting your money back. Maybe you damaged the carpet? Then rent a carpet cleaner. That won’t do it? Find a carpet match at your local store. They may have samples or scraps for free and you could repair it. Why not try to recoup your money instead of paying them to re-carpet the entire apartment. Don’t quit! Problem solve. You’re almost there! 

Moving Day Is Approaching

When you break the news you’re moving, have something in hand as a token of appreciation. Offer them a testimonial in exchange for a reference. Assure them you’ll leave your flat in better condition than when you moved in, and do just that. This will help them flip the apartment fast. 

Make it picture perfect and give them permission to show the apartment early. Talk the building up to any potential renters coming through if you’re present. When explaining why you’re moving, focus only on the positives. Talk up what you loved about living there. 

How To Pass A Rental Credit Check

Maybe you don’t have the luxury of time to repair your credit score. That’s no reason to limit yourself to bad credit apartments because you think you won’t pass the dreaded credit check. It’s important to understand a credit check is a way for a property manager to screen and evaluate a candidate they know nothing about. No worries. There’s a work around… just let them know who you are. Clean up your social media. Give them a thorough rental history. Include the referral from your previous building manager, and introduce yourself in a letter to accompany the application. 

The Letter of Introduction

Make sure there are no spelling errors, that your grammar is spot on, and your formatting is consistent. This will present as; ‘Clean apartment and consistently on time with rent.’ It all translates. Explain what you do for a living, where you work, and how long you’ve worked there. Tell them you love your job. This affirms you have job security and you’re reliable.

Create a narrative about how valued you are by colleagues, friends, family, and neighbors. Assure them you prioritize paying your rent on time, above all else, and you appreciate what it takes to manage an apartment complex. Lastly, tell them you love the neighborhood and adore the building and can imagine living there for an extended period. 

Your residence is a reflection of you. Let them know you maintain your home, and are a second set of eyes, doing your part to ensure a clean and safe living space. Close with how you rarely complain, expressing appreciation for their consideration and time. Humility should always preside over presumption.

It’s likely none of the other applicants have gone to this extent. This will put you ahead of the rest, bad credit or not. It may be a numbers game, but nothing says you can’t tip the balance in your favor. Go get ‘em, and good luck with the move.